Laundry Room Makeover

Oh the laundry room! Most of my house is pretty modern and updated, except for the laundry room out in the garage. Oak cabinets and brown walls galore! I finally decided to tackle it. This before photo is a little exaggerated since its not always that messy and the cabinets doors aren’t normally taken off, but I forgot to get a before at the very beginning of the project.


First step, painting the cabinets! I again wanted to be resourceful and use paint I already had to keep the cost lower. I went with a gray that I had for the cabinets. I started out by taking off all the doors and hardware. Outside I set up a sanding and painting station with a big piece of plywood we had for the indoor climbing wall we were building inside! This was the most time consuming part! sanding… sanding… painting… painting..


While I was waiting for the cabinets doors to dry outside I would do coats inside on the frame of the cabinets. The room was already looking better a huge difference from the oak cabinets!


Second step, the walls! I decided to do accent walls of a dark blue that I also used in the house so it would tie the rooms together. I am usually pretty fast at painting walls, i’ve painted my house tons of times, even the exterior! Painting this room took a lot more work that I thought, there was so may obstacles to paint around, the washer and dryer, the sink, the cabinets! I think it took me 2 days!

Last step, cleaning up! We cut a piece of the counter top off that wasn’t attached to the wall anymore to make room for more shelves. Once everything was put back in its place and some things rearranged for convenience, a new refreshed laundry room was born!




before:after .jpg